When is rent due?
Your rent is ALWAYS due on the first day of the month and is considered late as of midnight on the first, but we give you a grace period until the 5th. If your rent is not received in our office by 5:00pm on the 5th day of the month then your account will automatically be charged a late fee of $25 plus $5 per day. This late fee amount is due with your rent payment.
How to activate your online portal?
You should have received an email to setup and activate your online portal, please remember to check your junk/spam mail folder if you have not received it. You can also Email us at perorealestatellc@gmail.com to request access. Please include your name in the email. We will email or text you with a login to your own secure tenant portal.You will create a password and can start paying right away. You can mail/drop off your rent in to our office and put your address/unit # on the memo of your money order or check.
How do I submit a maintenance request?
If you have a maintenance issue please CALL our maintenance service line at 814.397.8030814.397.8030 Upon submission your request will be routed based on priority and contractor availability. You can also go to https://perorealestate.com/support/#maintenance-request to submit a request.
When I move out how do I receive my security deposit back? Can I use my deposit for last months rent?
Security deposits are not to be used instead of payment of rent, since the purpose of a security deposit is to pay for any damage caused by the tenant or their guests. If you do not pay any rent, including the last month you are in the unit, you will be subject to eviction proceedings. You are entitled to an accounting of your security deposit as well as the appropriate refund, within 30 days of your moving out of the unit. The 30 days starts at the date keys and a forwarding address and a forwarding address are received.
Can I have a satellite dish or make renovations to my apartment?
As part of the lease agreement, renovations made by a tenant are only permissible with written approval by an authorized person with Pero Real Estate LLC. You may, of course, hang paintings of your choice on the wall, provided you repair the holes upon vacating the unit. This rule against renovation without permission applies to all renovations, including changing your carpeting or other flooring, installation of built in appliances, etc. Please do not affix a satellite dish or other antenna to the roof, without acquiring permission first, as you will be charged for any damages to the roofing.
How do I pay my rent?
You can pay your rent via an online portal. Please contact our office to set this up. We do accept checks and money orders. These can be mailed to our office at 532 West 8th St. Erie, PA 16502. For safety and security reasons cash is not accepted.
What happens if I don’t pay my rent?
Your rent is due on the first and considered late on the 6th. If you will be late please contact our property manager immediately to make payment arrangements. Please bear in mind that we follow the eviction timeline established by PA state law with filings occurring at the local district justice office on or around the 11th of the month.
What is considered an emergency?
An emergency is defined as a maintenance problem that will cause a safety hazard to residents, or an imminent damage to property, so that fixing it cannot wait until the next business day. A few examples would be an overflowing toilet, a broken pipe, or sudden electrical short. If there is a gas leak, call the gas company in your area first, and if there is a power outage, call the electric company in your area first to see if there is a general power outage in the area (links to the gas and electric company websites can be found in our online directory). The operator on the hot line will determine if you have a true emergency, and if so, the operator will contact the staff member on call, who will contact an emergency vendor.
Please keep in mind that you will be billed and held financially responsible for falsely reporting emergency calls. For instance a call reporting no heat in an apartment yet has an air temperature of 69 or 70 degrees is not an emergency and will result in a service charge.
Can’t get in to my unit, I lost my keys, what should I do?
You can call a locksmith at your own expense or can call the office during normal business hours to arrange getting a new key or lock change at your expense.
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